Pill imprint 512
found it in my couch cushions.
like i said it has M357
I was cleaning out old clothes to bring to Goodwill, and I looked in my son’s dresser for old clothes. I found a ziplock bag with easily over 100 white, oval pills with the marking L054 on the front and nothing on the back. On top of that, I found paint thinner and drain cleaner next to it. First, don’t let SMURTHEY scare you. These pills ARE NOT perscription strength, you can buy them OTC at any walgreens or other pharmacy. Yes, the active ingredient, pseudoephedrine, is a main component necessary to make meth. The manufacture of meth, however, requires a whole host of other toxic substances (also, unfortunately, available OTC) which it doesn’t appear your son has stashed in his pants. Additionally, while 100 120mg sudafed pills is an awful lot for the average allergy sufferer, a lot more would be required if your son had a meth operation going. Be concerned, communicate with your son and observe his behavior, but don’t go overboard. There could be a more rational, and less lethal, explanation. If this is a case of drug use, I think it’s far more likely that your son was given/sold these under the guise that they were some sort of narcotic, or he planned to sell them with the same rouse. This sort of thing is common amongst teenagers who are just beginning their experimentation and are extremely open to the power of suggestion. Again, be concerned, but you probably don’t need to call your local police to do a sting operation of your sons ‘meth operation’. Good luck!